The woman who lends her womb during the surrogacy process is often incorrectly labeled as a “surrogate mother.” She is actually a surrogate, a person who provides couples and individuals with the opportunity to form families. A truly kind mission.
Although sometimes desire can blind us, and time can make us a little anxious, the choice of this person is crucial in this procedure, so it must be meticulous and exhaustive. Since this issue must be addressed with responsibility and ethics, we chose to share with you some of the criteria established by the specialized agency Family Aims for the selection of a surrogate. Keep reading!
A cautious decision
The (misnamed) “surrogate mother” will not only carry the baby during pregnancy, but will also have an impact on the experience of the future parents and the well-being of the child to be born. In this sense, it’s essential to consider several parameters:
Agency vs. family or friends
Many people find themselves at a crossroads when it comes to choosing the best alternative. Some believe that selecting someone from their close circle is the best alternative to carry out the pregnancy.
Family Aims explains that while the option of asking a loved one for this “favor” may seem more convenient and economical, it can also be full of emotional, legal, and ethical challenges. In this sense, they insist that the best alternative is always to contact an agency that can guarantee a safe process.
Some inconveniences that are not often discussed
As we mentioned, when a family member or friend is chosen as a surrogate, personal complications can arise that can threaten the bond. On the other hand, the lack of experience and adequate regulation can lead to disputes that are difficult to resolve in the legal field.
Instead of strengthening relationships, this choice can put significant strain on them and make the surrogacy process a time of suffering and tension.
How can an agency help you?
Resorting to specialists like Family Aims offers numerous advantages. This firm has experience in the selection and management of surrogates, which guarantees that the process is carried out in an ethical and professional manner.
In addition, Family Aims has international agreements and a presence in multiple countries, which expands the options and availability of compatible surrogates.
What’s the role of the supposed “surrogate mother”?
It is essential to understand the role of the surrogate in the surrogacy process. Although the term “surrogate mother” has been used on occasion to refer to them, it’s important to note that this expression is inappropriate and does not reflect the reality of the process. The surrogate is not a mother, and her contribution is not a rental, but an act of generosity and altruism.
The surrogate has the obligation to take care of her own health and that of the baby during pregnancy. This includes leading a healthy lifestyle, following recommendations, and attending all necessary medical appointments.
It is important to note that despite this involvement in the process, the surrogate has no rights over the baby and does not intend to become its mother, something that is clarified and agreed upon long before the procedure begins.
While the surrogate receives compensation for her contribution, this should not be considered as payment for a service, but as support to cover the costs related to the pregnancy.
For Family Aims, it is crucial that the surrogate wants to contribute her womb for altruistic purposes and thinking about the benefit of the intended parents, who desperately want to form a family.
Learn more about Family Aims
The choice of a surrogate in the surrogacy process is crucial and should not be taken lightly. Choosing a specialized agency like Family Aims provides the security and confidence that the process will be carried out in an ethical and professional manner, minimizing complications and ensuring the well-being of all involved.